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Markus Neuhäuser

Prof. Dr. Markus Neuhäuser

FB Mathematik, Informatik, Technik, Hochschule Koblenz

Joseph-Rovan-Allee 2, 53424 Remagen, Raum: RheinAhrCampus, C 219

  • 02642/932-417
  • 02642/932-399
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Neuhäuser, Markus; Seidel, Dirk; Hothorn, Ludwig A. et al.

Robust trend tests with application to toxicology

Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Bd. 7. H. 1. Dordrecht: Kluwer 2000 S. 43 - 56

Neuhäuser, Markus; Hothorn, Ludwig A.

An exact Cochran–Armitage test for trend when dose–response shapes are a priori unknown

Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. Bd. 30. H. 4. New York, NY [u.a.]: Elsevier 1999 S. 403 - 412

Neuhäuser, Markus; Steinijans, V. W.; Bretz, F.

The evaluation of multiple clini¬cal endpoints, with application to asthma

Drug information journal : DIJ. Bd. 33. H. 2. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications 1999 S. 411 - 417

Neuhäuser, Markus; Hothorn, L. A.

An Analogue of Jonckheere's Trend Test for Parametric and Dichotomous Data

Biometrical journal : clinical trials, epidemiological methods, statistics in life sciences. Bd. 40. H. 1. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH 1998 S. 11 - 19

Neuhäuser, Markus; Steinijans, V. W.; Hummel, T. et al.

Asthma management : the challenge of equivalence

International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics : official organ of International Symposia of Clinical Pharmacology. Bd. 36. H. 3. München-Deisenhofen: Dustri-Verl. Feistle 1998 S. 117 - 125

Neuhäuser, Markus; Hothorn, L. A.; Liu, P.-Y.

Nonparametric Tests for Trend : Jonckheere's Test, a Modification and a Maximum Test

Biometrical journal : clinical trials, epidemiological methods, statistics in life sciences. Bd. 40. H. 8. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH 1998 S. 899 - 909

Neuhäuser, Markus

The asymptotic relative efficiency of contrast tests

Allgemeines statistisches Archiv : AStA ; journal of the German Statistical Society. Bd. 82. Heidelberg: Physica-Verl 1998 S. 243 - 251

Neuhäuser, M.; Hothorn, L. A.

Adaptive tests for trend

Kitsos, Christos P. (Hrsg). Industrial statistics : aims and computational aspects ; proceedings of the satellite conference to the 51st session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), Athens, Greece, August 16 - 17, 1997. Heidelberg [u.a.]: Physica-Verl. 1997 S. 269 - 273

Hothorn, L. A.; Neuhäuser, M.; Koch, H.-F.

Analysis of Randomized Dose-Finding-Studies : Closure Test Modifications Based on Multiple Contrast Tests

Biometrical Journal : clinical trials, epidemiological methods, statistics in life sciences. Bd. 39. H. 4. Weinheim: Wiley-Blackwell 1997 S. 467 - 479

Neuhäuser, Markus; Becher, Heiko

Improved Odds Ratio Estimation by Post Hoc Stratification of Case-control Data

Statistics in medicine. Bd. 16. H. 9. Chichester [u.a.]: Wiley 1997 S. 993 - 1004