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Marc Oliver Rieger

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Rieger

Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Trier

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

De Giorgi, Enrico; Hens, Thorsten; Rieger, Marc Oliver

"Financial Market Equilibria with Cumulative Prospect Theory“

Journal of Mathematical Economics. Bd. 46. H. 5. 2010 S. 633 - 651

Talpsepp, Tönn; Rieger, Marc Oliver

„Explaining asymmetric volatility around the world"

Journal of Empirical Finance. Bd. 17. H. 5. 2010 S. 938 - 956

De Giorgi, Enrico; Hens, Thorsten; Rieger, Marc Oliver

„Financial Market Equilibria with Cumulative Prospect Theory“

Journal of Mathematical Economics. Bd. 46. H. 5. 2010 S. 633 - 651

Rieger, Marc Oliver

„SP/A and CPT: A reconciliation of two behavioral decision theories"

Economics Letters. Bd. 108. H. 3. 2010 S. 327 - 329

Chenchiah, Isaac Vikram; Rieger, Marc Oliver; Zimmer, Johannes

"Gradient flows in asymmetric metric spaces"

Nonlinear. Bd. 71. H. 11. 2009 S. 5820 - 5834

Rieger, Marc Oliver; Zimmer, Johannes

"Young measure flow as a model for damage"

Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 60. Bd. 1. 2009 S. 1 - 32

Rieger, Marc Oliver

"Higher dimensional problems with volume constraints - existence and Gamma-convergence"

Interfaces Free. Bd. 10. H. 2. 2008 S. 155 - 172

Oudet, Édouard; Rieger, Marc Oliver

"Local minimizers of functionals with multiple volume constraints"

ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Bd. 14. H. 4. 2008 S. 780 - 794

Rieger, Marc Oliver; Wang, Mei

„Prospect Theory for continuous distributions“

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. Bd. 36. H. 1. 2008 S. 83 - 102

Rieger, Marc Oliver; Wang, Mei

„What is behind the Priority Heuristic? – A mathematical analysis and comment on Brandstätter, Gigerenzer and Hertwig“

Psychological Review. Bd. 115. H. 1. 2008 S. 274 - 280