Short Communication: The Chromosomal Mapping of Four Genes Encoding Winged Helix Proteins Expressed Early in Mouse Development
Genomics. internat. journal of gene mapping and nucleotide sequencing ; emphasizing analyses of the human and other complex genomes. Bd. 34. H. 2. San Diego, Calif. [u.a.]: Elsevier 1996 S. 241 - 245
Erscheinungsjahr: 1996
ISBN/ISSN: 0888-7543
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Geprüft | Bibliothek |
Labosky, Patricia A. (Autor)
Winnier, Glenn E. (Autor)
Sasaki, Hiroshi (Autor)
Hogan, Brigid L.M. (Autor)