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Enhancing gap model accuracy by modeling dynamic height growth and dynamic maximum tree height

Ecological Modelling. Bd. 232. 2012 S. 133 - 143

Erscheinungsjahr: 2012

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Gap models are flexible tools for the simulation of forest dynamics under different climatic conditions. An important area, however, has not yet received the attention it deserves: the formulation of height growth and maximum tree height. In most gap models, every tree approaches a fixed maximum height regardless of site conditions, and tree height as such is approximated via stem diameter. To address these issues, we converted maximum height from a parameter to a variable t...Gap models are flexible tools for the simulation of forest dynamics under different climatic conditions. An important area, however, has not yet received the attention it deserves: the formulation of height growth and maximum tree height. In most gap models, every tree approaches a fixed maximum height regardless of site conditions, and tree height as such is approximated via stem diameter. To address these issues, we converted maximum height from a parameter to a variable that depends on site-specific climatic conditions. We also established tree height as a separate state variable besides diameter, to allow for competition effects to influence the ratio between height and diameter growth. The new model formulations were tested against data from the Swiss National Forest Inventory (NFI) and from a forest growth and yield research plot. Lastly the new model version was applied to study productivity changes due to climate change along an environmental gradient. The new model formulations increased the accuracy of simulations of stand characteristics without negatively influencing the general applicability of the model. The height/diameter relationship of a Douglas-fir stand in Switzerland simulated with the new model version resembled measurements closely, and biomass simulated along an environmental gradient agreed better with measurements (NFI) when using the new model version. Simulations with site-specific maximum height showed that the maximum heights of the dominant species on the gradient did not differ significantly from NFI data, whereas static maximum heights did. The application of the old and new model versions to simulate productivity under climatic change along the same environmental gradient showed that the conversion of a static parameter such as maximum height to a site-specific variable is not only a desirable, but a crucial feature to incorporate, since climate-induced changes in productivity are simulated to be more pronounced with the new model formulation. We conclude that dynamic height growth and site-specific maximum tree height can significantly improve simulation results of forest succession models, especially with regard to forest management under climate change.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Rasche, Livia (Autor)
Zingg, Andreas (Autor)
Bugmann, Harald (Autor)

Verknüpfte Personen

Lorenz Fahse