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Klaus Fischer

Prof. Klaus Fischer

Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstraße 1, 56070 Koblenz, Raum: K210

  • 0261/287-2238
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Fischer, Klaus; Fiedler, Konrad

Sexual differences in life-history traits in the butterfly Lycaena tityrus: a comparison between direct and diapause development

Enotomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. Bd. 100. H. 3. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2001 S. 325 - 330

Fischer, Klaus; Fiedler, Konrad

Sex-related differences in reaction norms in the butterfly Lycaena tityrus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

OIKOS. Bd. 90. H. 2. Oxford: Wiley 2000 S. 372 - 380

Fischer, Klaus; Beinlich, Burkhard; Plachter, Harald

Population Structure, Mobility and Habitat Preferences of the Violet Copper Lycaena Helle (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Western Germany: Implications for Conservation

Journal of Insect Conservation. Bd. 3. H. 1. Dordrecht: Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 1999 S. 43 - 52