Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jobst Meyer
Forschungsinstitut für Psychobiologie, Universität Trier
- 0651/201-3713
- 0651/201-3738
Meyer, Jobst; Walitza, Susanne; Palmason, Haukur et al.
Exclusion of major candidate loci in multiplex ADHD familiesAMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART B-NEUROPSYCHIATRIC GENETICS. Bd. 141B. H. 7. 2006 S. 757
Ekawardhani, Savira; Moser, Dirk; Schuelter, Ulrike et al.
Genetic heterogeneity at the chromosome 15q14 candidate schizophrenia locusAMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART B-NEUROPSYCHIATRIC GENETICS. Bd. 141B. H. 7. 2006 S. 795 - 796
Mossner, Rainald; Freitag, Christine M; Marziniak, Martin et al.
The functional Val158Met variant of the COMT gene is not associated with migraine with or without aura.The journal of headache and pain. Bd. 7. H. 3. 2006 S. 165 - 6
Mossner, R; Weichselbaum, A; Marziniak, M et al.
A highly polymorphic poly-glutamine stretch in the potassium channel KCNN3 in migraineHEADACHE. Bd. 45. H. 2. 2005 S. 132 - 136
Lee, YJ; Hohoff, C; Domschke, K et al.
Norepinephrine transporter (NET) promoter and 5 '-UTR polymorphisms: association analysis in panic disorderNEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. Bd. 377. H. 1. 2005 S. 40 - 43
Meyer, J; Johannssen, K; Freitag, CM et al.
Rare variants of the gene encoding the potassium chloride co-transporter 3 are associated with bipolar disorderINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. Bd. 8. H. 4. 2005 S. 495 - 504
Schmitt, A; Gofferje, V; Weber, M et al.
The brain-specific protein MLC1 implicated in megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts is expressed in glial cells in the murine brainGLIA. Bd. 44. H. 3. 2003 S. 283 - 295
Meyer, J; Mai, M; Ortega, G et al.
Mutational analysis of the connexin 36 gene (CX36) and exclusion of the coding sequence as a candidate region for catatonic schizophrenia in a large pedigreeSCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH. Bd. 58. H. 1. 2002 S. 87 - 91
Syagailo, YV; Okladnova, O; Reimer, E et al.
Structural and functional characterization of the human PAX7 5 '-flanking regulatory regionGENE. Bd. 294. H. 1-2. 2002 S. 259 - 268
Meyer, J; Sudbeck, P; Held, M et al.
Mutational analysis of the SOX9 gene in campomelic dysplasia and autosomal sex reversal: lack of genotype/phenotype correlations.Human molecular genetics. Bd. 6. H. 1. 1997 S. 91 - 8