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Jens Kohler

Prof. Dr. Jens Kohler

Angewandte Informatik, Hochschule Worms

  • 0000-0003-3874-8412
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Kohler, Jens; Simov, Kiril; Fiech, Adrian et al.

On the Performance of Query Rewriting in Vertically Distributed Cloud Databases

Innovative Approaches and Solutions in Advanced Intelligent Systems. Sofia, Bulgaria: Springer International Publishing 2016 S. 59 - 73

Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

A performance comparison between parallel and lazy fetching in vertically distributed cloud databases

2015 International Conference on Cloud Technologies and Applications (CloudTech). Bd. 2015. Marrakech, Morocco: IEEE 2015 01

Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

Analysis of cache implementations in a vertically distributed cloud data store

2015 Third World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS). Bd. 2015. Marrakech, Morocco: IEEE 2015 01

Kohler, Jens; Simov, Kiril; Specht, Thomas

Analysis of the Join Performance in Vertically Distributed Cloud Databases

International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems (IJARAS). 6(2). Aufl. Hershey, PA; United States: IGI Global 2015 01

Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

Dynamische softwaregesteuerte Skalierung in Privaten Clouds

Prozesse, Technologie, Anwendungen, Systeme und Management 2015 : angewandte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik ; Tagungsband zur 28. AKWI-Jahrestagung vom 06.09.2015 bis 09.09.2015 an der Hochschule Luzern - Wirtschaft. Luzern, Schweiz: Mana-Buch 2015 S. 256 - 266

Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

Performance Analysis of Vertically Partitioned Data in Clouds Through a Client-Based In-Memory Key-Value Store Cache

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Burgos, Spain: Springer International Publishing 2015 S. 3 - 13

Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

Analyse der JOIN-Problematik in vertikal verteilten Datenbanken

Proc. of AKWI 2014 – Arbeitskreis Wirtschaftsinformatik an Fachhochschulen, September 2014. Regensburg. Bd. 01. Regensburg. 2014 01

Velikova, Desislava; Kohler, Jens; Gerten, Rainer

Case Study On Financing And Business Development Processes In Technopreneurship

Proc. of European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE) 2014, September 2014. Belfast, Ireland. Bd. 2014. Belfast. 2014 01

Müller, Patrick; Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

Ein Ansatz zur vertikalen Datenpartitionierung in der Cloud

Anwendungen und Konzepte der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Bd. 01. Cantonal and University Library Fribourg 2014 01

Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

Vertical query-join benchmark in a cloud database environment

2014 Second World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS). Bd. 2014. Marrakech, Morocco: IEEE 2014 01