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Prof. Dr. Jan Jürjens

Institut für Softwaretechnik, Universität Koblenz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Grünbauer, Johannes; Jürjens, Jan

Critical Systems Development with UML-light - Half-day tutorial

18th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2003). Montreal, Canada: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2003

Jürjens, Jan; Grünbauer, Johannes

Critical Systems Development with UML: Overview with Automatic Case Study.

SNPD. 2003 S. 512 - 517

Jürjens, Jan

Developing Safety-Critical Systems with UML

Perdita Stevens;Jon Whittle;Grady Booch (Hrsg). «UML» 2003 - The Unified Modeling Language. Modeling Languages and Applications: 6th International Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, October 20-24, 2003. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer 2003 S. 360 - 372 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Jürjens, Jan

Developing Safety-Critical Systems with UML.

UML. 2003 S. 360 - 372

Jürjens, Jan; Kuhn, Thomas A.

Developing Secure and Mobile Web-based Applications with UML: Concepts and Tools

WWW/Internet 2003. Algarve (Portugal). 2003

Jürjens, Jan

Developing Secure Enterprise Applications with UML: A Half-day tutorial

Fourth Workshop on UML for Enterprise Applications. Burlingame, California. 2003

Houmb, Siv Hilde; Jürjens, Jan

Developing secure networked Web-based systems using model-based risk assessment and UMLsec

Wanchai Rivepiboon;Pornsiri Muenchaisri;Doo-Hwan Bae;Natawut Nupairoj;Jaluroje Chongstitvatana (Hrsg). Proceeding of the Tenth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference APSEC 2003: 10. -12. December, 2003; Chiang Mai, Thailand. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society 2003 S. 488 - 497

Jürjens, Jan

Developing Security-Critical Distributed Systems with UML: Methods and Tools: A Half-day tutorial

6th International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems. Paris (France): IFIP 2003

Jürjens, Jan; Houmb, Siv Hilde

Development of Safety-Critical Systems and Model- Based Risk Analysis with UML

Rogério de Lemos;Taisy Silva Weber;João Batista CamargoJr. (Hrsg). Dependable Computing: First Latin-American Symposium, LADC 2003, São Paulo, Brazil, October 21-24, 2003. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer 2003 S. 364 - 365 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)