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Prof. Dr. Jan Jürjens

Institut für Softwaretechnik, Universität Koblenz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Wagner, Stefan; Jürjens, Jan

Model-Based Identification of Fault-Prone Components.

EDCC. 2005 S. 435 - 452

Jürjens, Jan

Model-based Security Engineering with UML

Aldini, A.; , ; Martinelli, F. (Hrsg). Foundations of Security Analysis and Desing III: FOSAD 2004/2005 Tutorial Lectures. 2005 S. 42 - 77 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Botaschanjan, Jewgenij; Jürjens, Jan

MoDll: Modeling and Analyzing Time-Constraints

Jerzy Rozenblit;Tim O’Neill;Jianfeng Peng (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems ECBS 2005: 4-7 April 2005; Greenbelt, Maryland. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society 2005 S. 299 - 306

Jürjens, Jan

Return on Security Investment - Tutorial

Infotage. Starnberger See. 2005

Jürjens, Jan

Secure Systems Development with UML

Berlin: Springer 2005

Jürjens, Jan

Sound Methods and Effective Tools for Model-based Security Engineering with UML

Gruia-Catalin Roman;William Griswold;Bashar Nuseibeh (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2005: May 15. - 21., 2005; St. Louis; MO, USA. New York, NY: ACM Association for Computing Machinery 2005 S. 322 - 331