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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henning Fernau

Informatikwissenschaften, Universität Trier

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Fernau, Henning; Freund, Rudolf; Holzer, Markus

Character Recognition with -Head Finite Array Automata.

SSPR/SPR. 1998 S. 282 - 291

Fernau, Henning; Staiger, Ludwig

IFS and Control Languages.

MFCS. 1998 S. 740 - 750

Fernau, Henning

Regulated Grammars with Leftmost Derivation.

SOFSEM. 1998 S. 322 - 331

Fernau, Henning; Wätjen, Dietmar

Remarks on Regulated Limited ET0L Systems and Regulated Context-Free Grammars.

Theor. Comput. Sci. Bd. 194. H. 1-2. 1998 S. 35 - 55

Fernau, Henning; Freund, Rudolf; Holzer, Markus

The Generative Power of -Dimensional #-Context-Free Array Grammars.

MCU (2). 1998 S. 43 - 56

Fernau, Henning; Freund, Rudolf

Accepting Array Grammars with Control Mechanisms.

New Trends in Formal Languages. 1997 S. 95 - 118

Fernau, Henning; Holzer, Markus; Freund, Rudolf

Bounding resources in Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems.

Developments in Language Theory. 1997 S. 261 - 272

Fernau, Henning; Holzer, Markus

Conditional Context-Free Languages of Finite Index.

New Trends in Formal Languages. 1997 S. 10 - 26

Fernau, Henning

Graph-Controlled Grammars as Language Acceptors.

Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics. Bd. 2. H. 2. 1997 S. 79 - 92

Fernau, Henning; Stephan, Frank

How Powerful is Unconditional Transfer? - When UT meets AC.

Developments in Language Theory. 1997 S. 249 - 260