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Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard M. Technau

Institut für Genetik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Becherweg 32, Raum: Raum 01-131

  • 06131/39-25341/25843/23350
  • 06131/39-25845/24584
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Bossing, T.; Technau, G.M.; Doe, C.Q.

huckebein is required for glial development and axon pathfinding in the neuroblast 1-1 and neuroblast 2-2 lineages in the Drosophila central nervous system

MOD. the official journal of the International Society of Developmental Biologists. Bd. 55. H. 1. Shannon: Elsevier 1996 S. 53 - 64

Bossing, Torsten; Udolph, Gerald; Doe, Chris Q. et al.

The Embryonic Central Nervous System Lineages of Drosophila melanogaster. I. Neuroblast Lineages Derived from the Ventral Half of the Neuroectoderm

Developmental biology. Bd. 179. H. 1. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 1996 S. 41 - 64

Technau, Gerhard

Analysis of neural elements in head-mutant Drosophila embryos suggests segmental origin of the optic lobes

Roux's archives of developmental biology = Development genes and evolution. Bd. 205. H. 1. Berlin: Springer 1995 S. 31 - 44

Technau, Gerhard

BrdU incorporation reveals DNA replication in non dividing glial cells in the larval abdominal CNS of Drosophila

Roux's archives of developmental biology = Development genes and evolution. Bd. 204. H. 1. Berlin: Springer 1995 S. 54 - 61

Udolph, G.; Lüer, K.; Bossing, T. et al.

Commitment of CNS Progenitors Along the Dorsoventral Axis of Drosophila Neuroectoderm

Science. Bd. 269. H. 5228. Washington, DC: American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science 1995 S. 1278 - 1280

Ito, K.; Urban, J.; Technau, G.M.

Distribution, classification, and development of Drosophila glial cells in the late embryonic and early larval ventral nerve cord

Roux's archives of developmental biology. the official organ of the EDBO. Bd. 204. H. 5. Berlin: Springer 1995 S. 284 - 307

Technau, Gerhard M.; Urban, J.; Technau, G. M.

Enstehung von Zelldiversität im ZNS von Drosophila

Neuroforum. Bd. Neuroforum. 1995 S. 8-16

Broadus, J.; Skeath, J.B.; Spana, E.P. et al.

New neuroblast markers and the origin of the aCC-pCC neurons in the Drosophila central nervous system

MOD. the official journal of the International Society of Developmental Biologists. Bd. 53. H. 3. Shannon: Elsevier 1995 S. 393 - 402

Urban, Joachim; Technau, Gerhard

The homeobox gene repo is required for the differentiation and maintenance of glia function in the embryonic nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster

Development. Bd. 121. H. 2. Cambridge: The Company of Biologists 1995 S. 317 - 332