Preparation, patterning and critical current density of of YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films
Physica / B, condensed matter. Bd. 165-166. 1990 S. 1477 - 1478
Erscheinungsjahr: 1990
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Forschungsbericht)
Sprache: Englisch
Doi/URN: 10.1016/S0921-4526(09)80324-4
Geprüft: | Bibliothek |
Thin films of YBa2Cu3O7?? were prepared in-situ on SrTiO3, ZrO2, LaGaO3, Al2O3 and (for the first time) NdAlCaO4 substrates by dc-sputtering and laser ablation using stoichiometric ceramic targets. In case of SrTiO3 single crystalline films with narrow transitions to superconductivity (?Tc ? 0.5K) in ?(T) and ?ac(T) above 90K were obtained. With wet-chemically patterned films (linewidth 10?m) we determined critical current densities jc (77K, B=0) up to 1.8 · 106A/cm2. The inductive Tc-values ...Thin films of YBa2Cu3O7?? were prepared in-situ on SrTiO3, ZrO2, LaGaO3, Al2O3 and (for the first time) NdAlCaO4 substrates by dc-sputtering and laser ablation using stoichiometric ceramic targets. In case of SrTiO3 single crystalline films with narrow transitions to superconductivity (?Tc ? 0.5K) in ?(T) and ?ac(T) above 90K were obtained. With wet-chemically patterned films (linewidth 10?m) we determined critical current densities jc (77K, B=0) up to 1.8 · 106A/cm2. The inductive Tc-values achieved with films on other substrates are 86K (ZrO2), 89K (LaGaO3), 89K (NdAlCaO4) and 85K (Al2O3). The growth and the micro-structure of the YBa2Cu3O7?? films on these substrates has been studied by X-ray diffraction. » weiterlesen» einklappen
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Physik der kondensierten Materie
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