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Gabriele Ellen Schaumann

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Ellen Schaumann

Umwelt- und Bodenchemie, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Fortstr. 7, 76829 Landau, Raum: Gebäude I, Raum 3.11

  • 06341/280-31571
  • 06341/280-31576
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Schaumann, GE; Leboeuf, EJ

Glass transitions in peat: Their relevance and the impact of water

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Bd. 39. H. 3. 2005 S. 800 - 806

Schaumann, Gabriele Ellen; Hobley, Eleanor; Hurraß, Julia et al.

H-NMR Relaxometry to monitor wetting and swelling kinetics in high organic matter soils

Plant and Soil. Bd. 275. H. 1-2. 2005 S. 1 - 20

Schaumann, GE; Hobley, E; Hurrass, J et al.

H-NMR relaxometry to monitor wetting and swelling kinetics in high-organic matter soils

PLANT AND SOIL. Bd. 275. H. 1-2. 2005 S. 1 - 20

Kirchner, Dörte; Braun, Burga; Rotard, Wolfgang et al.

Influence of biofilms on the hydrophobicity of urban soils

Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 7. H. SSS8 Soil water repellency: origin, environme. 2005 S. EGU05-A-03060; SSS8-1FR5P-0149

Bayer, Julia V.; Hurraß, Julia; Schaumann, Gabriele Ellen

Influence of pH and drying conditions on the wettability of soil samples

Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 7. H. SSS8 Soil water repellency: origin, environme. 2005 S. EGU05-A-00416; SSS8-1FR5P-0147

Hurrass, Julia; Schaumann, Gabriele Ellen

Is glassiness a common characteristic of soil organic matter?

Environmental Science and Technology. Bd. 39. H. 24. 2005 S. 9534 - 9540

Hurrass, J; Schaumann, GE

Is glassiness a common characteristic of soil organic matter?

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Bd. 39. H. 24. 2005 S. 9534 - 9540

Gildemeister, Daniela; Schaumann, Gabriele E.; Rotard, Wolfgang

Konzept zur Untersuchung der dermalen Resorptionsverfügbarkeit bodensaaoziierter Schadstoffe

Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft. Bd. 107. H. 1. 2005 S. 131 - 132

Schaumann, Gabriele Ellen

Matrix relaxation and change of water state during hydration of peat

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Bd. 265. H. 1-3. 2005 S. 163 - 170

Schaumann, GE

Matrix relaxation and change of water state during hydration of peat