Dr. Constanze Buhk
Geoökologie / Physische Geographie, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 06341/280-31477
- 06341/280-31326
Engler, Jan; Abt, Kai; Buhk, Constanze
Seed characteristics and germination limitations in the highly invasive Fallopia japonica s.l. (Polygonaceae)ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH. Bd. 26. H. 3. 2011 S. 555 - 562
Buhk, Constanze; Hensen, Isabell
Seed longevity of eight species common during early postfire regeneration in south-eastern Spain: A 3-year burial experimentPLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY. Bd. 23. H. 1. 2008 S. 18 - 24
Meyn, Andrea; White, Peter S.; Buhk, Constanze et al.
Environmental drivers of large, infrequent wildfires: the emerging conceptual modelPROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Bd. 31. H. 3. 2007 S. 287 - 312
Buhk, C.; Retzer, V.; Beierkuhnlein, C. et al.
Predicting plant species richness and vegetation patterns in cultural landscapes using disturbance parametersAGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT. Bd. 122. H. 4. 2007 S. 446 - 452
Buhk, Constanze; Meyn, Andrea; Jentsch, Anke
The challenge of plant regeneration after fire in the Mediterranean Basin: scientific gaps in our knowledge on plant strategies and evolution of traitsPLANT ECOLOGY. Bd. 192. H. 1. 2007 S. 1 - 19
Buhk, C; Hensen, I
"Fire seeders" during early post-fire succession and their quantitative importance in south-eastern SpainJOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS. Bd. 66. H. 2. 2006 S. 193 - 209
Buhk, Constanze; Goetzenberger, Lars; Wesche, Karsten et al.
Post-fire regeneration in a Mediterranean pine forest with historically low fire frequencyACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. Bd. 30. H. 3. 2006 S. 288 - 298