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Role of Accessory Cells in Cytokine Production by T Cells in Chronic B-Cell Lymphocytic Leukemia

Blood. the journal of hematology. Bd. 86. H. 3. Washington, DC: American Society of Hematology 1995 S. 1115 - 1123

Erscheinungsjahr: 1995

ISBN/ISSN: 0006-4971

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Decker, T. (Autor)
Flohr, T. (Autor)
Trautmann, P. (Autor)
Aman, M.J. (Autor)
Holter, W. (Autor)
Majdic, O. (Autor)
Peschel, C. (Autor)

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