Ergebnisse pro Seite:
Engelhart, Bernd
"'...or Ivan Slavansky Slavar' (FW: 355.11): The Integration of Slavonic Languages into Finnegans Wake."Slote, Sam ; Mierlo, Wim van (Hrsg). Genitricksling Joyce. Amsterdam ; Atlanta (GA): Rodopi 1999 S. 135 - 144 (European Joyce studies ; 9)
Engelhart, Bernd
"'Genitricksling Joyce': Antwerp Revisited."James Joyce Broadsheet. Bd. 48. 1997 S. 3
Engelhart, Bernd
“Does Joyce Bely Döblin’s Text?” Rev. of Bely, Joyce, and Döblin: Peripatetics in the City Novel, by Peter I. Barta.James Joyce Literary Supplement. Bd. 11.2. 1997 S. 11