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Sensing the Unseen: Using CO2 as a Key Indicator for Occupancy Detection in Smart Collaboration Spaces

Procedia Computer Science. Bd. 239. Elsevier B.V. 2024 S. 1312 - 1319

Erscheinungsjahr: 2024

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Konferenzbeitrag)

Sprache: Deutsch

Doi/URN: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.06.301

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The Internet of Things (IoT) has received significant attention recently due to its potential to build more innovative solutions to real-world problems. This study examines how IoT sensors can be integrated with Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) to measure the utilization of enclosed workspaces to create Smart Collaboration Spaces (SCS). These spaces are enriched by real-time data on occupancy and air quality measurements to optimize work and study conditions. Using Carbon Dioxide (CO2) se...The Internet of Things (IoT) has received significant attention recently due to its potential to build more innovative solutions to real-world problems. This study examines how IoT sensors can be integrated with Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) to measure the utilization of enclosed workspaces to create Smart Collaboration Spaces (SCS). These spaces are enriched by real-time data on occupancy and air quality measurements to optimize work and study conditions. Using Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensors and passive infrared (PIR) sensors makes it possible to detect human presence in the room with an accuracy of over 90%. The generated data is processed and visualized in a workspace occupancy information system, accessible via a web interface. The findings suggest that SCS, through integration into EIS, can significantly improve resource utilization and enhance employee experience in organizations by saving time spent searching for an available workspace. Integrating IoT technologies with EIS holds considerable potential for developing smarter and more efficient work organization solutions in the future.» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • Internet of Things
  • Smart Collaborations Spaces
  • Workspace Occupation
  • CO2
  • PIR
  • Smart Collaboration Spaces
  • Workplace Occupation


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