Simultaneous access to different types of volume changes and the degree of cure during isothermal polymerization of polymer networks
Express Polymer Letters. Bd. 16. H. 11. Budapest: University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Polymer Engineering; Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineering 2022 S. 1193 - 1207
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
ISBN/ISSN: 1193–1207
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Sprache: Englisch
Doi/URN: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2022.87
Geprüft: | Bibliothek |
The current paper addresses the network-formation process of an epoxy polymer focussing on transition phenom- ena like the percolation threshold and the chemically induced glass transition. Based on a single type of measurement, dif- ferent kinds of volume changes are used as sensitive probes to the morphological changes accompanying the polymerization process. Thereby, the rather new experimental technique of ‘Temperature Modulated Optical Refractometry’ (TMOR) allows to simultaneously o...The current paper addresses the network-formation process of an epoxy polymer focussing on transition phenom- ena like the percolation threshold and the chemically induced glass transition. Based on a single type of measurement, dif- ferent kinds of volume changes are used as sensitive probes to the morphological changes accompanying the polymerization process. Thereby, the rather new experimental technique of ‘Temperature Modulated Optical Refractometry’ (TMOR) allows to simultaneously obtain not only the volume shrinkage and the accompanying dynamic thermal volume expansion in the course of polymerization, but also the chemical turnover as a function of the refractive index. In order to test the applicability of the refractive index as a reasonable quantity to substitute respective infrared spectroscopy (IR) measurements, the net- work-formation is induced by homopolymerization reactions to specifically limit the degree of cure to a single spectral IR component. This countercheck is performed using IR by attenuated total reflection (ATR). Whereas the chemical-induced glass transition is clearly evidenced by the different kinds of volume changes, the percolation transition does not couple to these properties. However, the transition to the glassy state is highly variable and leads to large differences of the macro- molecular-induced morphologies.» weiterlesen» einklappen
DFG Fachgebiet:
DDC Sachgruppe:
Verknüpfte Personen
- Andreas Klingler
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
(Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) (RPTU in Kaiserslautern))

- Bernd Wetzel
- Technisch-Wissenschaftlicher Direktor Werkstoffwissenschaft & Kompetenzfeldleiter Tailored Thermosets & Biomaterials
(Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) (RPTU in Kaiserslautern))