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Dependence of upper critical field and magnetoresistivity of superconducting amorphous (Mo0.6Ru0.4)100-xBx films on structural inhomogeneities

Japanese journal of applied physics. Bd. 26. 1987 S. 1309 - 1310

Erscheinungsjahr: 1987

ISBN/ISSN: 1347-4065 ; 0021-4922 ; 0369-8009

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch



The influence of structural inhomogeneities on the superconducting critical temperature Tc, upper critical field BC2(T) and magnetoresistivity ??(B,T) of amorphous (Mo0.6Ru0.4)100-xBx films is reported. We find that the inclusion of pores with dimensions up to about 10 nm leads to an enhancement of the initial slope -BC2' by nearly one order of magnitude accompanied by a depression of Tc. From the ?- and Bc2-data we conclude a further reduction of the electronic diffusivity due to these inhom...The influence of structural inhomogeneities on the superconducting critical temperature Tc, upper critical field BC2(T) and magnetoresistivity ??(B,T) of amorphous (Mo0.6Ru0.4)100-xBx films is reported. We find that the inclusion of pores with dimensions up to about 10 nm leads to an enhancement of the initial slope -BC2' by nearly one order of magnitude accompanied by a depression of Tc. From the ?- and Bc2-data we conclude a further reduction of the electronic diffusivity due to these inhomogeneities, in spite of the already short mean free path in amorphous metals, which may be also responsible for the observed Tc-behavior. Additionally we find systematic differences of the magnetoresistivities measured up to 23 Tesla between homogeneous and inhomogeneous films. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Toyota, N. (Autor)
Hensel, B. (Autor)
Söldner, K. (Autor)


DFG Fachgebiet:
Physik der kondensierten Materie

DDC Sachgruppe:

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