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An augmented reality home-training system based on the mirror training and imagery approach

BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS. Bd. 46. H. 3. 2014 S. 634 - 640

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Doi/URN: 10.3758/s13428-013-0412-4

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Mirror training and movement imagery have been demonstrated to be effective in treating several clinical conditions, such as phantom limb pain, stroke-induced hemiparesis, and complex regional pain syndrome. This article presents an augmented reality home-training system based on the mirror and imagery treatment approaches for hand training. A head-mounted display equipped with cameras captures one hand held in front of the body, mirrors this hand, and displays it in real time in a set of fou...Mirror training and movement imagery have been demonstrated to be effective in treating several clinical conditions, such as phantom limb pain, stroke-induced hemiparesis, and complex regional pain syndrome. This article presents an augmented reality home-training system based on the mirror and imagery treatment approaches for hand training. A head-mounted display equipped with cameras captures one hand held in front of the body, mirrors this hand, and displays it in real time in a set of four different training tasks: (1) flexing fingers in a predefined sequence, (2) moving the hand into a posture fitting into a silhouette template, (3) driving a "Snake" video game with the index finger, and (4) grasping and moving a virtual ball. The system records task performance and transfers these data to a central server via the Internet, allowing monitoring of training progress. We evaluated the system by having 7 healthy participants train with it over the course of ten sessions of 15-min duration. No technical problems emerged during this time. Performance indicators showed that the system achieves a good balance between relatively easy and more challenging tasks and that participants improved significantly over the training sessions. This suggests that the system is well suited to maintain motivation in patients, especially when it is used for a prolonged period of time. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Trojan, Joerg (Autor)
Diers, Martin (Autor)
Fuchs, Xaver (Autor)
Bach, Felix (Autor)
Bekrater-Bodmann, Robin (Autor)
Foell, Jens (Autor)
Kamping, Sandra (Autor)
Rance, Mariela (Autor)
Maass, Heiko (Autor)
Flor, Herta (Autor)