Institut für Umweltwissenschaften Landau
Natur- und Umweltwissenschaften (RPTU in Landau) / Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- +49/(0)6341-280 31325
- +49/(0)6341-280 31326
Graf, Nadin; Battes, Karina P.; Cimpean, Mirela et al.
Relationship between agricultural pesticides and the diet of riparian spiders in the fieldEnvironmental Sciences Europe. Bd. 32. H. 1. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2020 S. 1 - 12
Thomas, Daniela; Schuetze, Berit; Heinze, Wiebke Mareile et al.
Sample Preparation Techniques for the Analysis of Microplastics in Soil-A ReviewSUSTAINABILITY. Bd. 12. H. 21. 2020
Schreiner, Verena C.; Bakanov, Nikita; Kattwinkel, Mira et al.
Sampling rates for passive samplers exposed to a field-relevant peak of 42 organic pesticidesScience of The Total Environment. Bd. 740. Elsevier B.V. 2020 S. 140376
Scharmüller, Andreas; Schreiner, Verena C.; Schäfer, Ralf B.
Standartox: Standardizing Toxicity DataData. Bd. 5. H. 2. MDPI AG 2020 46
Lopez-Berenguer, G.; Bossi, R.; Eulaers, I. et al.
Stranded cetaceans warn of high perfluoroalkyl substance pollution in the western Mediterranean SeaENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. Bd. 267. 2020
Buse, Joern; Entling, Martin H.
Stronger dung removal in forests compared with grassland is driven by trait composition and biomass of dung beetlesECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY. Bd. 45. H. 2. 2020 S. 223 - 231
Picchi, Malayka S.; Bocci, Gionata; Petacchi, Ruggero et al.
Taxonomic and functional differentiation of spiders in habitats in a traditional olive producing landscape in ItalyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY. Bd. 117. 2020 S. 18 - 26
Sun, Jiachen; Covaci, Adrian; Bustnes, Jan Ove et al.
Temporal trends of legacy organochlorines in different white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) subpopulations: A retrospective investigation using archived feathersENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. Bd. 138. 2020
Albrecht, Matthias; Kleijn, David; Williams, Neal M. et al.
The effectiveness of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control, pollination services and crop yield: a quantitative synthesisECOLOGY LETTERS. Bd. 23. H. 10. 2020 S. 1488 - 1498
Baudy, Patrick; Konschak, Marco; Sakpal, Harshada et al.
The Fungicide Tebuconazole Confounds Concentrations of Molecular Biomarkers Estimating Fungal BiomassBULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. Bd. 105. H. 4. 2020 S. 620 - 625