Institut für Umweltwissenschaften Landau
Natur- und Umweltwissenschaften (RPTU in Landau) / Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- +49/(0)6341-280 31325
- +49/(0)6341-280 31326
Holland, John M.; Jeanneret, Philippe; Moonen, Anna-Camilla et al.
Approaches to Identify the Value of Seminatural Habitats for Conservation Biological ControlINSECTS. Bd. 11. H. 3. 2020
Holland, John M.; Jeanneret, Philippe; Moonen, Anna-Camilla et al.
Approaches to Identify the Value of Seminatural Habitats for Conservation Biological Control (vol 11, pg 195, 2020)INSECTS. Bd. 11. H. 5. 2020
Neale, Peta A.; Braun, Georg; Brack, Werner et al.
Assessing the Mixture Effects in In Vitro Bioassays of Chemicals Occurring in Small Agricultural Streams during Rain EventsEnvironmental Science & Technology. Bd. 54. H. 13. American Chemical Society (ACS) 2020 S. 8280 - 8290
Leeb, Christoph; Kolbenschlag, Sara; Laubscher, Aurelia et al.
Avoidance behavior of juvenile common toads (Bufo bufo) in response to surface contamination by different pesticidesPlosONE. Bd. 2020. 2020 242720
Schreiner, Verena C.; Fernández, Diego; Vermeirssen, Etiënne L. M. et al.
Corrigendum to “Calibration and field application of passive sampling for episodic exposure to polar organic pesticides in streams”Environmental Pollution. Bd. 265. Elsevier B.V. 2020 115335
Niggli, Urs; Riedel, Judith; Bruehl, Carsten A. et al.
Crop protection and biodiversity in agro-ecosystemsBERICHTE UBER LANDWIRTSCHAFT. Bd. 98. H. 1. 2020
Feckler, Alexander; Bundschuh, Mirco
Decoupled structure and function of leaf-associated microorganisms under anthropogenic pressure: Potential hurdles for environmental monitoringFreshwater Science. Bd. 39. H. 4. University of Chicago Press 2020 S. 652 - 664
Kusanke, Lena Maureen; Panteleit, Joern; Stoll, Stefan et al.
Detection of the endangered European weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis) via water and sediment samples: Testing multiple eDNA workflowsECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. Bd. 10. H. 15. 2020 S. 8331 - 8344
Kolb, Sebastian; Uzman, Deniz; Leyer, Ilona et al.
Differential effects of semi-natural habitats and organic management on spiders in viticultural landscapesAGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT. Bd. 287. 2020
Sperfeld, Erik; Nilssen, Jens Petter; Rinehart, Shelby et al.
Ecology of predator-induced morphological defense traits in Daphnia longispina (Cladocera, Arthropoda)Oecologia. Bd. 192. H. 3. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2020 S. 687 - 698