Institut für Umweltwissenschaften Landau
Natur- und Umweltwissenschaften (RPTU in Landau) / Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- +49/(0)6341-280 31325
- +49/(0)6341-280 31326
Kaczmarek, Nils; Schäfer, Ralf B.; Berger, Elisabeth
Environmental Change Threatens Freshwater Insect Communities in Northwest Africa: A Meta-AnalysisFrontiers in Environmental Science. Bd. 9. Frontiers 2021 671715
Baudy, Patrick; Zubrod, Jochen P.; Konschak, Marco et al.
Environmentally relevant fungicide levels modify fungal community composition and interactions but not functioningEnvironmental Pollution. Bd. 285. Elsevier B.V. 2021 S. 117234
Baudy, Patrick; Zubrod, Jochen P.; Konschak, Marco et al.
Environmentally relevant fungicide levels modify fungal community composition and interactions but not functioningENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. Bd. 285. 2021
Hafner, Benjamin D.; Brunn, Melanie; Zwetsloot, Marie J. et al.
Fine root exudation rate increases in drier soils, but tree level carbon exudation does not change under drought in mature Fagus sylvatica: Picea abies treesEGU General Assembly 2021: Copernicus GmbH 2021 EGU21-13426
Kenngott, Kilian G. J.; Riess, Kai; Muñoz, Katherine et al.
Flood Pulse Irrigation of Meadows Shapes Soil Chemical and Microbial Parameters More Than Mineral FertilizationSoil Systems. Bd. 5. H. 2. MDPI AG 2021 S. 24
Baudy, Patrick; Zubrod, Jochen P.; Konschak, Marco et al.
Fungal-fungal and fungal-bacterial interactions in aquatic decomposer communities: bacteria promote fungal diversityECOLOGY. Bd. 102. H. 10. 2021
Reiff, Jo Marie; Ehringer, Marvin; Hoffmann, Christoph et al.
Fungicide reduction favors the control of phytophagous mites under both organic and conventional viticultureAGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT. Bd. 305. 2021
Konschak, Marco; Zubrod, Jochen P.; Acosta, Tomas S. Duque et al.
Herbicide-Induced Shifts in the Periphyton Community Composition Indirectly Affect Feeding Activity and Physiology of the Gastropod Grazer Physella acutaENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Bd. 55. H. 21. 2021 S. 14699 - 14709
Batary, Peter; Rosch, Verena; Dormann, Carsten F. et al.
Increasing connectivity enhances habitat specialists but simplifies plant-insect food websOECOLOGIA. Bd. 195. H. 2. 2021 S. 539 - 546
Le, Trong Dieu Hien; Schreiner, Verena C.; Kattwinkel, Mira et al.
Invertebrate turnover along gradients of anthropogenic salinisation in rivers of two German regionsScience of The Total Environment. Bd. 753. Elsevier B.V. 2021 S. 141986