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Diagnostik, Differentielle, Persönlichkeitspsych., Methodik und Evaluation

Psychologie (RPTU in Landau) / Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Fortstraße 7, 76829 Landau (Pfalz)
  • 06341/280-235
  • 06341/280-490
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Leichner, Nikolas; Prestele, Elisabeth; Matheis, Svenja et al.

Lehramt-Studienwahlmotivation sagt Zielorientierungen vorher, pädagogisches Wissen und selbst eingeschätzte Kompetenz aber nur teilweise

Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie. Bd. 2022. Hogrefe 2022 S. 1 - 16

Bromme, Laurits; Rothmund, Tobias; Azevedo, Flávio

Mapping Political Trust and Involvement in the Personality Space – A Meta‐Analysis and New Evidence

Journal of Personality. Bd. 0. Wiley 2022 S. 1 - 51

Bondü, Rebecca; Holl, Anna K.; Trommler, Denny et al.

Responses Toward Injustice Shaped by Justice Sensitivity: Evidence From Germany

Frontiers in Psychology. Bd. 13. Frontiers Media SA 2022 858291

Stupnianek, Kotryna; Wu, Michael Shengtao; Schmitt, Manfred

A school rampage threatens beliefs in justice: A longitudinal study of the belief in a just world among Chinese adolescents

Journal of Personality. Bd. 90. H. 5. Wiley 2021 S. 690 - 702

Lischetzke, Tanja; Schemer, Lea; In-Albon, Tina et al.

Coping under a COVID-19 lockdown: patterns of daily coping and individual differences in coping repertoires

Anxiety, Stress, & Coping. Bd. 35. H. 1. Informa UK Limited 2021 S. 25 - 43

Geissner, Edgar; Ivert, Petra Maria; Schmitt, Manfred

Geeignete Messzeitpunkte in der Psychotherapieevaluation: Ein Vorschlag

Verhaltenstherapie. Bd. 31. H. 3. Karger 2021 S. 248 - 254

Lischetzke, Tanja; Könen, Tanja


Maggino, Filomena (Hrsg). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Cham: Springer 2021 S. 1 - 6

Lischetzke, Tanja; Schemer, Lea; Glombiewski, Julia A. et al.

Negative emotion differentiation attenuates the within-person indirect effect of daily stress on nightly sleep quality through calmness

Frontiers in Psychology. Bd. 12. Frontiers Media SA 2021 S. 1 - 14

Blum, Gabriela; Baumert, Anna; Schmitt, Manfred

Personality processes: From description to explanation

Rauthmann, John (Hrsg). The Handbook of Personality Dynamics and Processes. New York: Academic Press 2021 S. 33 - 55

Hohmann, Andreas; Yuan, Xinchi; Schmitt, Manfred et al.

Physical Fitness and Motor Competence in Chinese and German Elementary School Children in Relation to Different Physical Activity Settings

Children. Bd. 8. H. 5. MDPI 2021 S. 391