Fachbereich Wirtschaft
Hochschule Mainz
- 06131/628-0
- 06131/628-3009
Swartz, Stephanie; Luck, Susan; Barbosa, Belem et al.
Professional learning through collaborative online international learning . ISBN: , pp. .Gómez Chova, Luis u. a. (Hrsg). EDULEARN20 : 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Online 2nd-4th March 2020 : conference proceedings. Valencia, Spain: IATED Academy 2020 S. 3564 - 3571
Redler, Jörn; Pagel, Sven; Scholz, Tobias
Re‑designing adaptive selling strategies: the role of different types of shopping companionsReview of Managerial Science. Bd. 15. 2020 S. 1243 - 1280
Rosca, Eugenia; Bals, Lydia; Tate, Wendy et al.
Resource Management in BOP contexts: Toward a Social Resource Orchestration Theory (SROT)Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM). Vancouver. 2020
Rosca, Eugenia; Bals, Lydia; Tate, Wendy et al.
Resource Management in BOP contexts: Toward a Social Resource Orchestration Theory (SROT)Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM. Vancouver. 2020
Rosca, Eugenia; Bals, Lydia; Tate, Wendy et al.
Resource Management in BOP contexts: Toward a Social Resource Orchestration Theory (SROT)Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM). Vancouver. 2020
Rohleder, Norbert
Stimmung am Arbeitsplatz: Tipps für ein angenehmeres Betriebskliman-tv online. H. 05. Januar 2020. Köln. 2020
Swartz, Stephanie
Teaching virtual teams projects in Germany amidst COVID-19Bd. 2. H. 1. The Western ABC Bulletin. 2020
Kelly, Stephen; Bals, Lydia; Schulze, Heike et al.
The role of knowledge conversion in developing operational capabilities: An organisational routines perspective29th IPSERA conference. Tennessee. 2020
Kelly, Stephen; Bals, Lydia; Schulze, Heike et al.
The role of knowledge conversion in developing operational capabilities: An organisational routines perspective29th IPSERA conference. Tennessee. 2020
Luck, Susan; Swartz, Stephanie
The textbook didn't mention that: An intercultural experiential exercise in business communication.Management Teaching Review. Bd. 5. H. 3. 2020 S. 231 - 245