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Fachbereich Wirtschaft

Hochschule Mainz

Lucy-Hillebrand-Straße 2, 55128 Mainz
  • 06131/628-0
  • 06131/628-3009
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Logemann, Minna; Aritz, Jolanta; Cardon, Peter et al.

Standing strong amid a pandemic: How a global online team project stands up to the public health crisis

British Journal of Educational Technology. Bd. 53. H. 3. Wiley 2022 S. 577 - 592

Fayezi, Sajad; Varkkey, Helena; Bals, Lydia

Sustainability Transitions in Supply Chains: Augmenting Agency in Response to Political Tensions

82nd Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM). Seattle. 2022

Abid, Ghulam; Contreras, Francoise; Rank, Susanne et al.

Sustainable leadership and wellbeing of healthcare personnel: A sequential mediation model of procedural knowledge and compassion

Frontiers in Psychology. Bd. 13. 2022 S. 1 - 14

Schorer, M.; Hillebrandt, I.

Tell Me More:The Importance of Voice Assistants for Marketing and Branding

Summer AMA (Hybrid). Bd. 33. 2022 S. 897 - 913

Krämer, H.; Hillebrandt, I.

The current research status of voice assistants in the context of voice marketing: A systematic literature review

Winter AMA (Online). Bd. 33. 2022 S. 425 - 428

Heyder, C.; Hillebrandt, I.

The Effects of Viral Video Ads on Brand-Related Outcomes

Winter AMA (Online). Bd. 33. 2022 S. 484 - 486

Au, Christian; Winkler, Till J.; Paul, Herbert

Towards a Generation of Artificially Intelligent Strategy Tools: The SWOT Bot

ECIS 2022 Research-in-Progress Papers. Bd. 63. 2022 S. 1 - 10

Rohleder, Norbert

Unauffällig anfordern: So kommen Sie an ein Zwischenzeugnis

n-tv online. H. 17. August 2022. Köln. 2022 23531015