FB IV - Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Mathematik, Informatikwissenschaften / Universität Trier
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Damm, C.; Jukna, S.; Sgall, J.
Some Bounds on Multiparty Communication Complexity of Pointer JumpingLecture notes in computer science. Bd. 1046. Berlin: Springer 1996 S. 643 - 654
Meinel, Christoph; Slobodová, Anna
Speeding up variable reordering of OBDDsTrier: Univ., Mathematik/Informatik 1996 10 S. (Trierer Forschungsberichte ; 96-40)
Seidl, Helmut
A modal m-calculus for durational transition systemsTrier: Univ., Mathematik/Informatik 1995 16 S. (Forschungsbericht ; 95-08)
Fernau, Henning
A Note on Uniformly Limited ETOL Systems with Unique Interpretation.Inf. Process. Lett. Bd. 54. H. 4. 1995 S. 199 - 204
Fernau, Henning
A predicate for separating language classes.Bulletin of the EATCS. Bd. 56. 1995
Bordihn, Henning; Fernau, Henning
Accepting Grammars and Systems: An Overview.Developments in Language Theory. 1995 S. 199 - 208
Bergmann, R.; Wilke, W.
Building and Refining Abstract Planning Cases by Change of Representation LanguageThe journal of artificial intelligence research. JAIR. Bd. 3. San Francisco, Calif.: Morgan Kaufmann Publ. 1995 S. 53 - 118
Bergmann, Ralph; Wilke, Wolfgang
Building and Refining Abstract Planning Cases by Change of Representation Language.J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR). Bd. 3. 1995 S. 53 - 118
Ley, Michael
DB&LP: A WWW Bibliography on Databases and Logic ProgrammingCompulog Newsletter. 1995
Damm, Carsten; Holzer, Markus; Rossmanith, Peter
Expressing uniformity via oraclesTrier: Univ., Mathematik/Informatik 1995 12 S. (Forschungsbericht ; 95-01)