FB IV - Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Mathematik, Informatikwissenschaften / Universität Trier
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Fernau, Henning
Nonterminal Complexity of Programmed Grammars.MCU. 2001 S. 202 - 213
Fernau, Henning
Parallel communicating grammar systems with terminal transmission.Acta Inf. Bd. 37. H. 7. 2001 S. 511 - 540
Alber, Jochen; Fernau, Henning; Niedermeier, Rolf
Parameterized Complexity: Exponential Speed-Up for Planar Graph ProblemsElectronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC). Bd. 8. H. 23. 2001
Alber, Jochen; Fernau, Henning; Niedermeier, Rolf
Parameterized Complexity: Exponential Speed-Up for Planar Graph Problems.ICALP. 2001 S. 261 - 272
Alber, Jochen; Fan, Hongbing; R. Fellows, Michael et al.
Refined Search Tree Technique for DOMINATING SET on Planar Graphs.MFCS. 2001 S. 111 - 122
Fernau, Henning; Kuich, Werner
Regularly controlled formal power series.Where Mathematics, Computer Science, Linguistics and Biology Meet. 2001 S. 253 - 265
Ley, Michael
The ACM SIGMOD Anthology - a computer science retrodigitization project.IuK. 2001
Althoff, Klaus-Dieter; Bergmann, Ralph; Branting, Karl
The Third International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR '99).AI Magazine. Bd. 22. H. 1. 2001 S. 116 - 118
Fernau, Henning; Stiebe, Ralf
Valence Grammars with Target Sets.Words, Semigroups, and Transductions. 2001 S. 129 - 140
Fernau, Henning; Stiebe, Ralf
Valences in Lindenmayer Systems.Fundam. Inform. Bd. 45. H. 4. 2001 S. 329 - 358