Institut für Computervisualistik
FB 4: Informatik / Universität Koblenz
Denzler, Joachim; Heigl, Benno; Paulus, Dietrich
Farbsegmentierung für aktives SehenVolker Rehrmann (Hrsg). 1. Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung. Koblenz: Universität Koblenz-Landau, Institut für Informatik 1995 S. 9 - 12
Harbusch, Karin
Generating from Discourse Representation Structures or Why should "Meets'' Meet "Meeting'' in a DRS?1995 S. 83 - 88
Harbusch, K.; Choi, K.-S.
Generating from Discourse Representation Structures or Why should "Meets" Meet "Meeting" in a DRS?Choi, K.-S. (Hrsg). Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposiums '95 (NLPRS). 1995 S. 83-88
Priese, Lutz; Wimmel, Harro
On some compositional Petri net semanticsKoblenz-Landau: Univ., Inst. f. Informatik 1995 31 S. (Fachberichte Informatik ; 20/95)
Paulus, Dietrich; Hornegger, Joachim
Pattern Recognition and Image Processing in C++Braunschweig: Vieweg 1995
Paulus, Dietrich; Greiner, Thorsten; Knüvener, Christian
Wasserscheidentransformation für ThermographiebilderGerhard Sagerer;Stefan Posch;Franz Kummert (Hrsg). Mustererkennung 1995 - Verstehen akustischer und visueller Informationen: 17. DAGM-Symposium Bielefeld, 13.-15. September 1995. Berlin: Springer 1995 S. 355 - 362
Paulus, Dietrich; Greiner, Thorsten; Knüvener, Christian
Watershed transformation of time series of medical thermal imagesDavid P. Casasent (Hrsg). Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIV: Algorithms,Techniques, Active Vision, and Materials Handling. Bellingham, WA: International Society for Optical Engineering 1995 S. 700 - 711
Paulus, D.; Greiner, T.; Knüvener, C.
Watershed transformation of time series of medical thermal images1995
André, Elisabeth; Finkler, Wolfgang; Graf, Winfried et al.
WIP: From Multimedia to IntellimediaChris S. Mellish (Hrsg). Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI 1995: Montréal Québec, Canada; August 20-25 1995; Volume 2. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann 1995 S. 2053 - 2054
Pavesic, Nikola; Niemann, Heinrich; Paulus, Dietrich et al.
3-D Scene Acquisition, Modeling and Understanding: Proceedings of the Second German-Slovenian Workshop; 9. June 1994; Ljubljana, SloveniaLjubljana: IEEE Slovenia Section 1994