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A next-generation LHC heavy-ion experiment e-print Archiv (Hrsg). Genf, Schweiz. 2019 21 S.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Forschungsbericht)

Sprache: Englisch



The present document discusses plans for a compact, next-generation multi-purpose detector at the LHC as a follow-up to the present ALICE experiment. The aim is to build a nearly massless barrel detector consisting of truly cylindrical layers based on curved wafer-scale ultra-thin silicon sensors with MAPS technology, featuring an unprecedented low material budget of 0.05% X$_0$ per layer, with the innermost layers possibly positioned inside the beam pipe. In addition to superior tracking and...The present document discusses plans for a compact, next-generation multi-purpose detector at the LHC as a follow-up to the present ALICE experiment. The aim is to build a nearly massless barrel detector consisting of truly cylindrical layers based on curved wafer-scale ultra-thin silicon sensors with MAPS technology, featuring an unprecedented low material budget of 0.05% X$_0$ per layer, with the innermost layers possibly positioned inside the beam pipe. In addition to superior tracking and vertexing capabilities over a wide momentum range down to a few tens of MeV/$c$, the detector will provide particle identification via time-of-flight determination with about 20~ps resolution. In addition, electron and photon identification will be performed in a separate shower detector. The proposed detector is conceived for studies of pp, pA and AA collisions at luminosities a factor of 20 to 50 times higher than possible with the upgraded ALICE detector, enabling a rich physics program ranging from measurements with electromagnetic probes at ultra-low transverse momenta to precision physics in the charm and beauty sector.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Adamova, D. (Autor)
Aglieri Rinella, G. (Autor)
Agnello, M. (Autor)


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