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Hochschule Trier

Schneidershof, 54293 Trier
  • +49 651/8103-0
  • +49 651/8103-333
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Löhr, Dirk

„Tinbergen reloaded“: Mehrfache Dividende oder mehrfache Neutralität?

Zeitschrift für Sozialökonomie. Bd. 54. H. 192/193. 2017 S. 49 - 62

Schmeller, Dirk S.; Weatherdon, Lauren V.; Loyau, Adeline et al.

A suite of essential biodiversity variables for detecting critical biodiversity change

Biological Reviews. Bd. 93. H. 1. Wiley 2017 S. 55 - 71

Braun, Oliver; Benmansour, Rachid; Hafani, Saïd

A variable neighborhood search for the single machine scheduling problem with time restrictions

Duarte, A.;Viana, A.; Jua, A.; Melian, B.; Ramalhinho, H. (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 12th edition of the Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC). Barcelona. 2017 S. 363 - 365

te Heesen, Henrik; Rumpler, Martin

A Web Application for Yield Optimization of Photovoltaic Systems

33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. Amsterdam. 2017 S. 2333 - 2334

Dartmann, G.; Almodaresi, E.; Barhoush, M. et al.

Adaptive Control in Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-Physical Systems. online: Elsevier B.V. 2017 S. 15 - 30 (Intelligent Data-Centric Systems: Sensor Collected Intelligence)

Helmers, Eckard; Weiss, Martin

Advances and critical aspects in the life-cycle assessment of battery electric cars

Weiss, Martin. Bd. 5. H. 1. 2017

Cepheli, Ozge; Dartmann, Guido; Karabulut-Kurt, Gunes et al.

An encryption aware physical layer security system

International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). online: IEEE 2017

Schröder, Gerald

Auf historischem Grund – Raumerfahrung und Erinnerungskultur in Werken von Rosemarie Trockel, Hans Haacke und Gustav Metzger

Heindl, Nina; Sina, Véronique (Hrsg). Notwendige Unzulänglichkeit. Künstlerische und mediale Repräsentationen des Holocaust. 1. Aufl. Münster: LIT 2017 S. 33 - 49

Mueller, Steffen; Mueller, Juliane; Stoll, Josefine et al.

Back Pain in Adolescent Athletes: Results of a Biomechanical Screening

Sports Medicine International Open. Bd. 1. H. 1. Thieme 2017 S. 16 - 22