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Hochschule Trier

Schneidershof, 54293 Trier
  • +49 651/8103-0
  • +49 651/8103-333
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

von Wagner, Utz; Lentz, Lukas

On artifact solutions of semi-analytic methods in nonlinear dynamics

Archive of Applied Mechanics. Bd. 88. H. 10. Springer 2018 S. 1713 - 1724

Kügler, Patricia; Kestel, Philipp; Schon, Claudia et al.

Ontology-Based Approach for the Use of Intentional Forgetting in Product Development

DS 92: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018. 15th International Design Conference. Zagreb / Glasgow: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb / The Design Society 2018

Karstens, Sven; Kuithan, Pauline; Joos, Stefanie et al.

Physiotherapists’ views of implementing a stratified treatment approach for patients with low back pain in Germany : A qualitative study

BMC Health Services Research. Bd. 18. H. 1. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2018 S. 1 - 12 214

Dziubany, M.; Schneider, J.; Schmeink, A. et al.

Prognose von Wärmeverbräuchen: Stolpersteine und Lösungen. Umweltinformatik zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Wandel

Workshops der Informatik 2018 - Architekturen, Prozesse, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik 2018 S. 135 - 144

Bonart, Thomas; Bär, Jürgen

Quantitative Betriebswirtschaftslehre Band I : Grundlagen, Operations Research, Statistik

Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien 2018

Wetzel, Florian T.; Schmeller, Dirk S.; Bingham, Heather C. et al.

Real gaps in European bird monitoring: A reply to Voříšek et al.

Biological Conservation. Bd. 225. Elsevier B.V. 2018 S. 247 - 248

Appiah-Dwomoh, Edem K.; Müller, Steffen; Mayer, Frank

Reproducibility of Static and Dynamic Postural Control Measurement in Adolescent Athletes with Back Pain

Rehabilitation Research and Practice. Bd. 1. Hindawi Limited 2018 S. 1 - 8 8438350

de Miranda Pinto, Julian Torres; Mistage, Oscar; Bilotta, Patrícia et al.

Road-rail intermodal freight transport as a strategy for climate change mitigation

Helmers, Eckard. Bd. 25. Elsevier 2018 S. 100 - 110

Müller, Rainer; Vette-Steinkamp, Matthias; Geenen, Aaron

Sealing Process on a Large Floor Grid Crossbeam Assembly through Human-Robot Cooperation

50th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR). online: IEEE 2018