FB IV - Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Mathematik, Informatikwissenschaften / Universität Trier
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Žilinskas, Julius; Dür, Mirjam
Depth-first simplicial partition for copositivity detection, with an application to MaxCliqueOptimization Methods and Software. Bd. 26. H. 3. Informa UK Limited 2011 S. 499 - 510
Schillings, Claudia; Schmidt, Stephan; Schulz, Volker
Efficient shape optimization for certain and uncertain aerodynamic designComputers & Fluids. Bd. 46. H. 1. Elsevier BV 2011 S. 78 - 87
Müller, Jürgen; Beise, Hans-Peter
Growth of (frequently) hypercyclic functions for differential operatorsStudia Mathematica. Bd. 207. 2011 S. 97 - 115
Gauger, Nicolas; Ilic, Caslav; Schmidt, Stephan et al.
Non-parametric Aerodynamic Shape OptimizationConstrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations. Basel: Springer Basel 2011 S. 289 - 300
Müller, Jürgen; Bruj, Igor
The concept of Faber derivative in saturation theory.Jaen J. Approx. Bd. 3. 2011 S. 227 - 239
Bastert, Oliver; Hummel, Benjamin; de Vries, Sven
A Generalized Wedelin Heuristic for Integer ProgrammingINFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING. Bd. 22. H. 1. 2010 S. 93 - 107
Gharibyan, T.; Luh, W.; Müller, J.
A lacunary version of Mergelian’s approximation theoremJournal of Approximation Theory. Bd. 162. H. 4. Elsevier BV 2010 S. 709 - 716
Müller, Jürgen
Continuous functions with universally divergent Fourier series on small subsets of the circleComptes Rendus Mathematique. Bd. 348. H. 21-22. Elsevier BV 2010 S. 1155 - 1158
Dür, Mirjam
Copositive Programming – a SurveyRecent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering. Heidelberg: Springer Nature 2010 S. 3 - 20
Borzì, A.; Schulz, V.; Schillings, C. et al.
On the treatment of distributed uncertainties in PDE-constrained optimizationGAMM-Mitteilungen. Bd. 33. H. 2. Wiley-Blackwell 2010 S. 230 - 246