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Müller, Jürgen; Brück, Rainer; Sharma, A.

Equisummability of certain sequences of Hadamard products of Taylor sections and interpolatory polynomials.

Methods Appl. Anal. Bd. 1. 1994 S. 270 - 283

Frerick, L.; Müller, J.

Polynomial Approximation and Maximal Convergence on Faber Sets

Constructive approximation. an internat. journal for approximations and expansions. Bd. 10. H. 3. New York, NY: Springer 1994

Müller, Jürgen; Frerick, Leonhard

Polynomial approximation and maximal convergence on Faber sets.

Constr. Approx. Bd. 10. 1994 S. 427 - 438

Brück, Rainer; Müller, Jürgen

Summability of Hadamard Products of Taylor Sections with Polynomial Interpolants

Journal of approximation theory. Bd. 78. H. 1. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier 1994 S. 30 - 40

Müller, Jürgen; Brück, Rainer

Summability of Hadamard products of Taylor sections with polynomial interpolants.

J. Approx. Theory. Bd. 78. 1994 S. 30 - 40

Müller, J.

Coefficient multipliers from H(G1) into H(G2)

Archiv der Mathematik. Bd. 61. H. 1. Basel [u.a.]: Birkhäuser 1993 S. 75 - 81

Müller, Jürgen

Coefficient multipliers from H(G1) into H(G2).

Arch. Math. (Basel). Bd. 61. 1993 S. 75 - 81

Müller, J.

On numerical analytic continuation aand convergence acceleration

Analysis. Bd. Analysis. 1993 S. 279 - 291

Müller, Jürgen

Small Domains of Overconvergence of Power Series

Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. Bd. 172. H. 2. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier 1993 S. 500 - 507