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Kaplan, A.; Tichatschke, R.

Proximal Methods in View of Interior-Point Strategies

Journal of optimization theory and applications. JOTA. Bd. 98. H. 2. Dordrecht [u.a.]: Springer Science + Business Media 1998 S. 399 - 430

Tichatschke, R.; Kaplan, A.; Desch, W. et al.

Proximal penalty methods for ill-posed parabolic control problems

Desch, W.; Kappel, F.; Kunisch, K. (Hrsg). Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser 1998 S. 169 - 182

Kaplan, A.; Tichatschke, R.

Proximal Point Methods and Nonconvex Optimization

Journal of global optimization. an international journal dealing with theoretical and computational aspects of seeking global optima and their applications in science, management and engineering. Bd. 13. H. 4. Dordrecht: Kluwer 1998 S. 389 - 406

Berscheid, N.; Dierolf, S.

Quasicomplete Bairelike spaces need not be Baire

Rendiconti det Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Bd. Rendiconti det Circolo Matematico di Palermo. 1998 S. 253 - 264

Rotin, S.; Tichatschke, Rainer

Regularisierte Strafmethoden für inkorrekt gestellte Kontrollprobleme mit linearen Zustandsgleichungen

Trier: FB 4, Mathematik-Informatik, Univ. 1998 39 S. (Trierer Forschungsberichte ; 98-02)

Horst, Reiner; Thoai, Nguyen van

Selected papers of the Workshop on Global Optimization, University of Trier, Germany, 1997

Dordrecht: Kluwer 1998 (Journal of global optimization ; 13.1998,4)

Sachs, E.; Rückmann, J.-J.; Reemtsen, R.

Semi-infinite programming in control

Rückmann, J.-J.; Reemtsen, R. (Hrsg). Semi-infinite programming in control. Kluwer 1998 S. 389 - 411

Gugat, M.

Semi-Infinite Terminal Problems: A Newton Type Method

Optimization. a journal of mathematical programming and operations research. Bd. 44. H. 1. Reading [u.a]: Taylor & Francis 1998 S. 25 - 48

Müller, Jürgen; Wengenroth, Jochen

Separating singularities of holomorphic functions

Canadian mathematical bulletin. Bd. 41. H. 4. Ottawa: Soc. 1998 S. 473 - 477

Müller, Jürgen; Wengenroth, Jochen

Separating singularities of holomorphic functions.

Canad. Math. Bull. Bd. 41. 1998 S. 473 - 477