FB II - Sprach-, Literatur- und Medienwissenschaften / Universität Trier
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Gerbig, Andrea
Computergestützte Stilanalyse : umweltpolitische Themen im DiskursDuisburg: L.A.U.D. 1994 15 S.
Stubbs, Michael
Grammar, text, and ideology: Computer-assisted methods in the linguistics of representationApplied linguistics. Bd. 15. H. 2. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press 1994 S. 201 - 223
Gerbig, A.
Rezension: Esser, J. English Linguistic StylisticsGAL Bulletin, 19. Bd. GAL Bulletin, 19. 1994
Stubbs, Michael; Gerbig, Andrea
Human and inhuman geography: On the computer-assisted analysis of long texts.Hoey, M. (Hrsg). Data, Description, Discourse. London: HarperCollins 1993 S. 64 - 85
Gerbig, A.
The construction of reality in the discourse on ozone protectionProceedings of the Values and the Environment Conference, Surrey ´93. Surrey. 1993
Gerbig, A.
The representation of agency and control in texts on the environmentProceedings of the Eco-Linguistics Symposium at AILA ´93, Amsterdam. Amsterdam. 1993
Breuer, Horst
Historische Literaturpsychologie : von Shakespeare bis BeckettTübingen: Francke 1989 227 S.
Stubbs, Michael
The state of English in the English state: reflections on the Cox Report.Language and Education. Bd. 3, 4. 1989 S. 235 - 250
Stubbs, Michael
Educational Linguistics.Oxford: Blackwell 1986 286 S.
Stubbs, Michael
Discourse Analysis: the Sociolinguistic Analysis of Natural Language. [Translations: Spanish 1987; Japanese 1990.]Oxford: Blackwell 1983 265 S.