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Outcome analysis of primary breast cancer patients who declined adjuvant chemotherapy-results from the prospective multi-center BRENDA II study

BREAST CANCER. Bd. 29. H. 3. 2022 S. 429-436

Erscheinungsjahr: 2022

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Leinert, Elena (Autor)
Schwentner, Lukas (Autor)
Janni, Wolfgang (Autor)
Woeckel, Achim (Autor)
Herbert, Saskia-L (Autor)
Herr, Daniel (Autor)
Kuehn, Thorsten (Autor)
Flock, Felix (Autor)
Felberbaum, Ricardo (Autor)
Kreienberg, Rolf (Autor)
Fink, Visnja (Autor)
Dayan, Davut (Autor)
Ernst, Kristina (Autor)
Singer, Susanne (Autor)


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