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Institut für Softwaretechnik

FB 4: Informatik / Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstraße 1, 56070 Koblenz
  • 0261/287-2722
  • 0261/287-2721
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Jürjens, Jan

Model-based Security with UMLsec - Invited talk

UML Forum Tokyo. 2003

Jürjens, Jan

Model-based Testing of Embedded Systems with UML: A Half-day tutorial

Conference on Software Testing (ICSTEST-E). Bilbao (Spain). 2003

Grünbauer, Johannes; Hollmann, Helia; Jürjens, Jan et al.

Modelling and Verification of Layered Security Protocols: A Bank Application

Stuart Anderson;Massimo Felici;Bev Littlewood (Hrsg). Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 22nd International Conference, SAFECOMP 2003, Edinburgh, UK, September 23-26, 2003. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer 2003 S. 116 - 129 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Grünbauer, Johannes; Hollmann, H.; Jürjens, Jan et al.

Modelling and Verification of Layered Security Protocols: A Bank Application.

SAFECOMP. 2003 S. 116 - 129

Jürjens, Jan

Modelling for IT-Security- and Risk-Analysis

Infotage. Starnberger See. 2003

Popp, Gerhard; Jürjens, Jan; Wimmel, Guido et al.

Security-critical system development with extended use cases

Wanchai Rivepiboon;Pornsiri Muenchaisri;Doo-Hwan Bae;Natawut Nupairoj;Jaluroje Chongstitvatana (Hrsg). Proceeding of the Tenth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference APSEC 2003: 10. -12. December, 2003; Chiang Mai, Thailand. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society 2003 S. 478 - 487

Popp, Gerhard; Jürjens, Jan; Wimmel, Guido et al.

Security-Critical System Development with Extended Use Cases.

APSEC. 2003 S. 478 - 487

Wimmel, Guido; Popp, Gerhard; Jürjens, Jan

Use Case Oriented Development of Security-Critical Systems

OMG Workshop on Distributed Objects and Components Security (DOCsec 2003). Baltimore (USA): Object Management Group (OMG) 2003

Jürjens, Jan

A Holistic View of Secure Systems Development: Using Patterns and UML - A Half-day tutorial

17th International Conference on Information Security (SEC 2002). Cairo. 2002

Jürjens, Jan

A UML statecharts semantics with message-passing

Gary B. Lamont;Hisham Haddad;George Papadopoulos;Brajendra Panda (Hrsg). Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing SAC 2002: Madrid, Spain; March 11 - 14, 2002. New York, NY: ACM Association for Computing Machinery 2002 S. 1009 - 1013