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Institut für Softwaretechnik

FB 4: Informatik / Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstraße 1, 56070 Koblenz
  • 0261/287-2722
  • 0261/287-2721
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Jürjens, Jan

Componentware for Critical Systems

Journal of Object Technology. Bd. 3. H. 4. Zürich: ETH Zürich 2004 S. 47 - 50

Jürjens, Jan

Componentware for Critical Systems.

Journal of Object Technology. Bd. 3. H. 4. 2004 S. 47 - 50

Jürjens, Jan; B. Fernández, Eduardo; B. France, Robert et al.

Critical Systems Development Using Modeling Languages (CSDUML-04): Current Developments and Future Challenges (Report on the Third International Workshop).

UML Satellite Activities. 2004 S. 76 - 84

Jürjens, Jan

Developing High-Assurance Secure Systems with UML: An Smartcard-based Purchase Protocol

C. V. Ramamoorthy;Wei-Tek Tsai (Hrsg). Proceeding of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering HASE 2004: 25-26 March 2004; Tampa, Florida. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society 2004 S. 231 - 240

Jürjens, Jan

Developing Secure Web-based Applications with UML: Methods and Tools: Tutorial

Fourth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE’04). München (Germany). 2004

Jürjens, Jan

Developing Security-Critical Applications with UMLsec: A Short Walk-Through

Upgrade : The European Journal for the Informatics Professional. Bd. 5. H. 2. Frankfurt am Main: CEPIS 2004 S. 1 - 6

Jürjens, Jan

Logic for Security

Spring School Logic in Computer Science. Venezia. 2004

Jürjens, Jan

Model-based Security Engineering with UML

FOSAD 2004. Bertinoro. 2004