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Institut für Softwaretechnik

FB 4: Informatik / Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstraße 1, 56070 Koblenz
  • 0261/287-2722
  • 0261/287-2721
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Jürjens, Jan; Fox, Jorge

Tools for model-based security engineering.

ICSE. 2006 S. 819 - 822

Mouratidis, Haralambos; Jürjens, Jan; Fox, Jorge

Towards a Comprehensive Framework for Secure Systems Development

Eric Dubois;Klaus Pohl (Hrsg). Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 18th International Conference, CAiSE 2006: Luxembourg, Luxembourg, June 5-9, 2006; Proceedings. Berlin: Springer 2006 S. 48 - 62 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Mouratidis, Haralambos; Jürjens, Jan; Fox, Jorge

Towards a Comprehensive Framework for Secure Systems Development.

CAiSE. 2006 S. 48 - 62

Jürjens, Jan; Yampolskiy, Mark

Code security analysis with assertions

David F. Redmiles;Tom Ellman;Andrea Zisman (Hrsg). Proceeding of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering ASE 2005: Long Beach, California, USA; November 7-11, 2005. New York, NY: ACM Association for Computing Machinery 2005 S. 392 - 395

Jürjens, Jan; Yampolskiy, Mark

Code security analysis with assertions.

ASE. 2005 S. 392 - 395

Wagner, Stefan; Jürjens, Jan; Koller, Claudia et al.

Comparing Bug Finding Tools with Reviews and Tests

Ferhat Khendek;Rachida Dssouli (Hrsg). Testing of Communicating Systems: 17th IFIP TC6/WG 6.1 International Conference, TestCom 2005, Montreal, Canada, May 31 - June 2, 2005. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer 2005 S. 40 - 55 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Wagner, Stefan; Jürjens, Jan; Koller, Claudia et al.

Comparing Bug Finding Tools with Reviews and Tests.

TestCom. 2005 S. 40 - 55

Jürjens, Jan; Wagner, Stefan

Component-Based Development of Dependable Systems with UML

Colin Atkinson;Christian Bunse;Hans-Gerhard Gross;Christian Peper (Hrsg). Component-Based Software Development for Embedded Systems: An Overview of Current Research Trends. Berlin: Springer 2005 S. 320 - 344

Jürjens, Jan; Wagner, Stefan

Component-Based Development of Dependable Systems with UML.

Component-Based Software Development for Embedded Systems. 2005 S. 320 - 344