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Mathematisches Institut

FB 3: Mathematik /Naturwissenschaften / Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstraße 1, 56070 Koblenz
  • 0261/287-2303
  • 0261/287-2301
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Rockenfeller, Robert

Kinder-Brettspiele aus mathematischer Sicht - Modellierung und Simulation von '(Erster) Obstgarten' und 'Eins, Vier, Viele'

Stochastik in der Schule. Bd. 41. H. 1. Dortmund: Universität Dortmund 2021 S. 9 - 18

Müller, Andreas; Rockenfeller, Robert; Damm, Nicolas et al.

Load distribution in subject-specific lumbar spine models during compression depends on the lordotic angle

Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Bd. 9. Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation 2021 S. 661258 (12 pages)

Bonart, Henning; Kahle, Christian

Optimal Control of Sliding Droplets using the Contact Angle Distribution

SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. Bd. 59. H. 2. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2021 S. 1057 - 1082

WIjaya, Karunia Putra; Götz, Thomas; Ganegoda, Naleen et al.

Reassessment of new normal along with its typical measures against COVID-19 via an optimal decision framework

Elia Biganzoli; Giancarlo Manzi; Alessandra Micheletti; Federica Nicolussi; Silvia Salini (Hrsg). Proceedings of the COVID-19 Empirical Research (COVER) Conference: Milan, Italy, October 30th, 2020. Milano: Milano University Press 2021 S. 167 - 180

Günther, Michael; Rockenfeller, Robert; Weihmann, Tom et al.

Rules of nature's Formula Run: Muscle mechanics during late stance is the key to explaining maximum running speed

Journal of Theoretical Biology. Bd. 523. Amsterdam: Elsevier 2021

Wolff, Fabian; Sticca, Fabio; Niepel, Christoph et al.

The reciprocal 2I/E model: An investigation of mutual relations between achievement and self-concept levels and changes in the math and verbal domain across three countries

Journal of Educational Psychology. Bd. 113. H. 8. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association 2021 S. 1 - 21

Ullrich, Peter

Von Modulformen, Hurwitz-Zahlen und Quaternionen: Die Beiträge von Adolf Hurwitz zur Theoretischen Mathematik

Jahrbrief der Hurwitz-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Mathematik an der TU München. H. 2020. München: TU München 2021 S. 11 - 21

Gräßle, Carmen; Hinze, Michael; Volkwein, Stefan

2 Model order reduction by proper orthogonal decomposition

Peter Benner; Stefano Grivet-Talocia; Alfio Quarteroni; Gianluigi Rozza; Will Schilders; Luís Miguel Silveira (Hrsg). Model Order Reduction: Volume 2 Snapshot-Based Methods and Algorithms. Berlin: De Gruyter 2020 S. 47 - 96

Götz, Thomas; Mohrmann, Silja; Rockenfeller, Robert et al.

Calculation of a local COVID-19 reproduction number for the northern Rhineland-PalatinateA

Arxiv. 2020

Ullrich, Peter

Dedekinds Theorie der ganzen algebraischen Zahlen

Scheel, Katrin (Hrsg). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien 2020 S. 19 - 35