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Döringer, Willibald

NetBIOS Access Agent

IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin. Bd. 36. New York, NY. 1993 S. 0 ohne Seitenzählung

Baechler, J.; Keidel, Ralf

Production of charged kaons in proton - nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at 200-GeV/Nucleon

Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. Bd. 58. H. 3. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 1993 S. 367 - 374

Ferenc, D.; Keidel, Ralf

Pion interferometry in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions

Nuclear Physics A. Bd. 544, Issues 1-2. 1992 S. 531 - 535

Kowalski, Marek; Keidel, Ralf

Production of charged kaons in central S + S and O + Au collisions at 200-GeV/nucleon

Nuclear Physics A. Bd. 544. H. 1-2. 1992 S. 609 - 613

Seyboth, P.; Keidel, Ralf

Recent results from experiment NA35

Nuclear Physics A. Bd. 544. H. 1-2. 1992 S. 293 - 307

Baechler, J.; Keidel, Ralf

Bose Einstein correlations in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions

Nuclear Physics A. Bd. 525. 1991 S. 327 - 332

Baechler, J.; Keidel, Ralf

Charged particle multiplicities in nuclear collisions at 200-GeV/N

Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields. Bd. 51. H. 2. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 1991 S. 157 - 162

Baechler, J.; Keidel, Ralf

Pion and proton spectra in S-32 + S collisions at 200-GeV/nucleon

Nuclear Physics A. Bd. 525. 1991 S. 59 - 65

Tonse, S. R.; Keidel, Ralf

Proton rapidity distributions from 60-GeV/n O-16 + Au collisions

Nuclear Physics A. Bd. 525. 1991 S. 689 - 692

Baechler, J.; Keidel, Ralf

Strangeness enhancement in central S + S collisions at 200-GeV/nucleon

Nuclear Physics A. Bd. 525. 1991 S. 221 - 226