Institut für Umweltwissenschaften Landau / Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 06341/280-31172
- 06341/280-31185
Stehle, Sebastian; Manfrin, Alessandro; Feckler, Alexander et al.
Structural and functional development of twelve newly established floodplain pond mesocosmsEcology and Evolution. Bd. 12. H. 3. Wiley 2022 S. 1 - 15
Schirmel, Jens
COVID-19 Pandemic Turns Life-Science Students into “Citizen Scientists”: Data Indicate Multiple Negative Effects of Urbanization on BiotaSustainability. Bd. 13. H. 5. MDPI AG 2021 2992
Bauer, Tobias; Bäte, Daria Alison; Kempfer, Fabian et al.
Differing impacts of two major plant invaders on urban plant-dwelling spiders (Araneae) during flowering seasonBiological Invasions. Bd. 23. H. 5. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2021 S. 1473 - 1485
Kenngott, Kilian G. J.; Riess, Kai; Muñoz, Katherine et al.
Flood Pulse Irrigation of Meadows Shapes Soil Chemical and Microbial Parameters More Than Mineral FertilizationSoil Systems. Bd. 5. H. 2. MDPI AG 2021 S. 24
Batary, Peter; Rosch, Verena; Dormann, Carsten F. et al.
Increasing connectivity enhances habitat specialists but simplifies plant-insect food websOECOLOGIA. Bd. 195. H. 2. 2021 S. 539 - 546
Osakpolor, Stephen E.; Kattwinkel, Mira; Schirmel, Jens et al.
Mini-review of process-based food web models and their application in aquatic-terrestrial meta-ecosystemsEcological Modelling. Bd. 458. Elsevier B.V. 2021 109710
Garnica, Sigisfredo; Sandoval-Leiva, Pablo; Riess, Kai
Phylogenetic Relationships in the Genus Podoserpula and Description of P. Aliweni, a New Species from ChileMycologia. Bd. 113. H. 5. Taylor and Francis 2021 S. 1110 - 1121
Roesch, Verena; Aloisio, Pascal; Entling, Martin H.
Prey, management and landscape requirements of an endangered population of the Woodlark Lullula arborea in Southwest GermanyJOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY. Bd. 162. H. 3. 2021 S. 689 - 698
Holland, John M.; Sutter, Louis; Albrecht, Matthias et al.
Moderate pollination limitation in some entomophilous crops of EuropeAGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT. Bd. 302. 2020
Kormann, Urs G.; Scherber, Christoph; Tscharntke, Teja et al.
Connectedness of habitat fragments boosts conservation benefits for butterflies, but only in landscapes with little croplandLANDSCAPE ECOLOGY. Bd. 34. H. 5. 2019 S. 1045 - 1056