Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara
Showing the Advantages of Pull over Push Production with the Aid of Petri NetsEMISA Forum: Proceedings of the SIG Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures of the German Informatics Society. Bd. 41. H. 1. Tutzing: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. 2021 S. 29 - 30
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara
Simulation of Push- and Pull-Processes in Logistics: Usage, Limitations, and Result Presentation of Clock Pulse and Event Triggered ModelsInternational Journal On Advances in Software. Bd. 14. H. 1-2. Wilmington: IARIA 2021 S. 88 - 106
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara
Simulation taktgesteuerter Modelle von Push- und Pull-Prozessen in der LogistikAnwendungen und Konzepte in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Bd. 13. Luzern, CHE: AKWI 2021 S. 27 - 33
Wirtz, Bernd W.; Göttel, Vincent; Langer, Paul F. et al.
Antecedents and consequences of public administration’s social media website attractivenessInternational Review of Administrative Sciences. Bd. 86. H. 1. SAGE 2020 S. 38 - 61
Simon, Carlo; Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara
Clock Pulse Modeling and Simulation of Push and Pull Processes in LogisticsHerrmann, Frank; Parra, Lorena; Popescu, Manuela (Hrsg). SIMUL 2020 : the Twelfth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation : October 18-22, 2020. Wilmington, DE, USA: IARIA 2020 S. 31 - 36
Haag, Stefan; Zakfeld, Lara; Simon, Carlo et al.
Event Triggered Simulation of Push and Pull ProcessesHerrmann, Frank ; Parra, Lorena ; Popescu, Manuela (Hrsg). SIMUL 2020 : the Twelfth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation : October 18-22, 2020. Wilmington, DE, USA: IARIA 2020 S. 68 - 73
Damm, Roberto; Würth, Karsten; Barton, Thomas
Development of an Android app for user administration in private cloudsBarton,Thomas; Herrmann, Frank; Meister, Vera G.; Müller, Christian; Seel, Christian (Hrsg). Angewandte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik Prozesse, Technologie, Anwendungen, Systeme und Management 2016. Heide: mana-Buch 2016 S. 193 - 201
Damm, Roberto; Barton, Thomas
Aufbau einer „Private Cloud“ mit OpenStackBarton, Thomas; Erdlenbruch, Burhard; Herrmann, Frank; Müller, Christian (Hrsg). Prozesse, Technologie, Anwendungen, Systeme und Management. Berlin: Verlag News & Media 2014 S. 295 - 305
Barton, Thomas; Damm, Roberto
Die Nutzung von RESTful APIs in einer „Private Cloud“Barton, Thomas; Erdlenbruch, Burhkard, Herrmann, Frank; Müller, Christian (Hrsg). Prozesse, Technologie, Anwendungen, Systeme und Management. Berlin: Verlag News & Media 2014 S. 263 - 272