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Institut für Molekulare Medizin

Klinikum / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Waldner, MJ; Wirtz, S; Jefremow, A et al.

VEGF receptor signaling links inflammation and tumorigenesis in colitis-associated cancer

JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE. Bd. 207. H. 13. 2010 S. 2855-2868

Atreya, I; Diall, A; Ostrau, C et al.

Development and In Vivo Analysis of a New Generation of Optimized Thio-GTP Analogues for Therapy of IBD

GASTROENTEROLOGY. Bd. 136. H. 5. 2009 S. A406-A406

Neufert, C; Becker, C; Galle, PR et al.

Differential Expression Analysis of Colitis Associated Cancers

GASTROENTEROLOGY. Bd. 136. H. 5. 2009 S. A197-A197

Foersch, S; Kiesslich, R; Waldner, M et al.

In Vivo Molecular Imaging of VEGF in Gastrointestinal Cancer Using Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy


Mudter, J; Yu, J; Amoussina, L et al.

IRF4 selectively controls cytokine gene expression in chronic intestinal inflammation

Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). Bd. 57. H. 5. 2009 S. 369-76

Srokowski, CC; Masri, J; Hövelmeyer, N et al.

Naturally occurring short splice variant of CYLD positively regulates dendritic cell function

Blood. Bd. 113. H. 23. 2009 S. 5891-5

Leppkes, M; Becker, C; Ivanov, II et al.

ROR gamma-Expressing Th17 Cells Induce Murine Chronic Intestinal Inflammation via Redundant Effects of IL-17A and IL-17F

GASTROENTEROLOGY. Bd. 136. H. 1. 2009 S. 257-267

Weigmann, B; Neurath, MF

Selective targeting of activated T cells in chronic intestinal inflammation

Gut. Bd. 58. H. 6. 2009 S. 747-8

Fantini, MC; Rio, A; Fina, D et al.

Smad7 Controls Resistance of Colitogenic T Cells to Regulatory T Cell-Mediated Suppression

GASTROENTEROLOGY. Bd. 136. H. 4. 2009 S. 1308-1316