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FB VI - Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften

Universität Trier

Campus II, Behringstraße 21, 54286 Trier
  • 0651/201-4530
  • 0651/201-3939
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Kallmayer, Hans-Jörg; Bock, Udo


Pharmazie. Bd. 54. 1999 S. 467 - 468

Kallmayer, Hans-Jörg; Bock, Udo

4-Dialkylamino-1,2-anthrachinone-1/2 arylhydrazone

Pharmazie. Bd. 54. 1999 S. 166 - 170

Kallmayer, Hans-Jörg; Bock, Udo


Pharmazie. Bd. 54. 1999 S. 355 - 358

Krein, Andreas; Bierl, Reinhard

6 - SURFACE WATER: Methodological and source tracing studies - Identifying major sources of organic micropollutants and heavy metals during flood events in a partly urbanized headwater catchment

Publication Association Internationale des Sciences Hydrologiques. Bd. 259. Wallingford. 1999 S. 263 - 268

Kallmayer, Hans-Jörg; Bock, Udo


Pharmazie. Bd. 54. 1999 S. 422 - 425

Werner, W.; Büker, P.

An attempt to estimate leaf conductivity by artificial neural network using meteorological data as input parameters

Environmental Pollution (in Vorbereitung). Bd. Environmental Pollution (in Vorbereitung). 1999

Wagner, Jean-Frank

Arsen im Grundwasser der triadischen Randfazies Luxemburgs.

F. ROSENBERG & H.-G. RÖHLING (Hrsg). Arsen in der Geosphäre. Wiesbaden. 1999 S. 131 - 132 (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 6)

Krein, A.; Symader, W.

Artificial flood release, a tool for studying river channel behaviour

Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Symp. on Environmental Hydraulics, HongKong. Rotterdam: Balkema Verlag 1999 S. 739 - 746