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Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-Klinik und Poliklinik - Plastische Operationen

Klinikum / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Stripf, EA; Kuhnemund, M; Selivanova, O et al.

Anwendung eines chirurgischen Multi-Level-Konzepts bei obstruktiver Schlafapnoe.

HNO. Bd. 55 Suppl 1. 2007 S. E1-6

Gouveris, HT; Victor, A; Mann, WJ

Cochlear origin of early hearing loss in vestibular schwannoma.

Laryngoscope. Bd. 117. H. 4. 2007 S. 680-3

Gouveris, H; Helling, K; Victor, A et al.

Comparison of electronystagmography results with dynamic posturography findings in patients with vestibular schwannoma.

Acta Otolaryngol. Bd. 127. H. 8. 2007 S. 839-842

Kahaly, GJ; Bumb, P; Pitz, S et al.

Decompression surgery for endocrine orbitopathy.

Med Klin (Munich). Bd. 102. 2007 S. 714-719

Gouveris, H; Stripf, T; Victor, A et al.

Dynamic Posturography Findings Predict Balance Status in Vestibular Schwannoma Patients

Otol Neurotol. Bd. 28. 2007 S. 372-375

Lippert, B; Knauer, SK; Fetz, V et al.

Dynamic survivin in head and neck cancer: Molecular mechanism and therapeutic potential.

Int J Cancer. Bd. 121. H. 6. 2007 S. 1312-1316

Morales-Divo, C; Jecker, P; Lippert, BM et al.

Extraösophagealer Reflux und Zenker Divertikel

HNO. Bd. 55. 2007 S. 546-550