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MYC and EGR1 synergize to trigger tumor cell death by controlling NOXA and BIM transcription upon treatment with the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib

NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH. Bd. 42. H. 16. 2014 S. 10433-10447

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Wirth, Matthias (Autor)
Stojanovic, Natasa (Autor)
Christian, Jan (Autor)
Paul, Mariel C. (Autor)
Stauber, Roland H. (Autor)
Schmid, Roland M. (Autor)
Haecker, Georg (Autor)
Kraemer, Oliver H. (Autor)
Saur, Dieter (Autor)
Schneider, Guenter (Autor)


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