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Comparison of the new perimetric GATE strategy with conventional full-threshold and SITA standard strategies.

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. Bd. 50. H. 1. 2009 S. 488-94

Erscheinungsjahr: 2009

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Schiefer, U (Autor)
Pascual, JP (Autor)
Edmunds, B (Autor)
Feudner, E (Autor)
Hoffmann, EM (Autor)
Johnson, CA (Autor)
Lagreze, WA (Autor)
Pfeiffer, N (Autor)
Sample, PA (Autor)
Staubach, F (Autor)
Weleber, RG (Autor)
Vonthein, R (Autor)
Krapp, E (Autor)
Paetzold, J (Autor)


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