Klinik und Poliklinik für Geburtshilfe und Frauengesundheit
Klinikum / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Dittrich, R; Beckmann, MW; Maake, C et al.
The extracorporeal perfusion of the female pig detrusor as an experimental model for the study of bladder contractilityNeurourolo Urodyn. Bd. 26. 2007 S. 1024-1029
Schroder, HJ; Tchirikov, M
A "top-down-approach" to insert catheters into the circulation of fetal sheep using ultrasound B-scan.Am J Obstet Gynecol. Bd. 195. H. 1. 2006 S. 302-3
Passuello, V; Seufert, R; Fischl, F
Abklärung und Therapie des habituellen AbortesJ. Fertil. Reprod. Bd. 16. H. 2. 2006 S. 20-21
Schmidt, M; Walendowski, M; Victor, A et al.
Apoploseassoziierte Proteine der BCL-2 Familie und ex vivo Chemosensitivität für Paclitaxei bei primären MammakarzinomenGeburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. Bd. 67. 2006 S. S1
Hawighorst-Knapstein, S; Brueckner, D; Schoenefuss, G et al.
Breast cancer care: patient information and communication as a preventive educational process.Breast Care. Bd. 1. 2006 S. 375-378
Maltaris, T; Dimmler, A; Muller, A et al.
Comparison of two freezing protocols in an open freezing system for cryopreservation of rat ovarian tissue.J Obstet Gynaecol Res. Bd. 32. H. 3. 2006 S. 273-9
Maltaris, T; Kaya, H; Hoffmann, I et al.
Comparison of xenografting in SCID mice and LIVE/DEAD assay as a predictor of the developmental potential of cryopreserved ovarian tissue.In Vivo. Bd. 20. H. 1. 2006 S. 11-6
Hausherr, CK; Schiffer, IB; Gebhard, S et al.
Dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2 in relation to tumor remission after HER-2 and Raf1 blocking therapy in a conditional mouse tumor modelMol Carcinog. Bd. 45. H. 5. 2006 S. 302-308
Zehbe, I; Schmidt, M; Maeurer, M et al.
Different T-cell receptor (TCR) zeta chain expression in cervical cancer and its precursor lesions.Zentralbl Gynakol. Bd. 128. H. 5. 2006 S. 266-70
Tchirikov, M; Schroder, HJ; Hecher, K
Ductus venosus shunting in the fetal venous circulation: regulatory mechanisms, diagnostic methods and medical importance.Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. Bd. 27. H. 4. 2006 S. 452-61